Directors Beer Kit This beer kit is made conjunction with Muntons and the famous Courage Brewery Courage Directors I think needs no introduction the name speaks for its self
The Directors Beer kit will make 36 pints at approx 4.8%
Distinctly superior by name and nature, Courage Directors was originally brewed exclusively for the directors of the Alton brewery until demand decreed this most distinguished of beverages was also made available to the rank and file. A good job too. The ruling class knew just what they were doing when they tried to keep this classic ale to themselves. A rich, chestnut hued, full-bodied brew boasting a clean, bitter taste balanced with burnt, orange peel notes and a dry-hop aroma and flavour, Directors is today as rightly popular across the entire country as it is in its native London heartlands.
There is no equipment included with this beer kit, but you only need basic beer making equipment